Tuesday, June 09, 2009

In an ideal world...

Autorickshaw drivers demanding extra fare is common knowledge these days and an inevitable part of every rick passenger’s life. But refusing to transport you because you can’t provide him a passenger at the point where you are dropped off – RIDICULOUS! It would be an ideal world then, wouldn’t it be? You reach your destination where a passenger awaits the coming of the maker, in this case, the rick guy. Not only should there be a passenger, he/she would also be the one who is ready to part with a few bucks over the meter reading. And yes, he should also choose a destination where another of his kind awaits. Or a place that is close to the rick guy’s residence, which would invariably be on the other side of the map from where you have to get off.

But then again, were it to be an ideal world, I wouldn’t need a rickshaw in the first place. Would I? I would not be working, hence eliminating my need to go to work. I would be in an inherited castle somewhere in the Swiss Alps – with enough amenities and aides around me to ensure that I do not have to step outside the stone walls till I die. And did I mention a lifelong Sky subscription? Or maybe in a less ideal scenario, I’d be working. But I would have wings and I would fly to office everyday.

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