Friday, January 05, 2007

Damned for dreaming!

Posted by Picasa daring to dream??

Deafened by your screams I am deafened by your screams
That I can’t see the truth coz I’m blinded by my dreams
I’m in love with the darkness that’s scaring you away,
My night is as bright as the dawn of everyday

The noose around my neck tightened as I crawled along
the ink was so green as they wrote my sorry song
I walked to a dream only visible to me,
They thought I was lost and branded me a gypsy

I shed a lot of blood walking the forbidden mile
They called me a clown as I tried to fake a smile
I fell in a puddle which I thought would teach me swim
But later than sooner I realized it was my whim

I shunned all my shadows as I flew to the sun
Their tears were so dry, of a whore dressed as a nun,
I’d fly like a phoenix and burn the wings I spread
The fall is not painful, but the life is what I dread

Life against me

Posted by Picasa how ironic?

Life is staring at your blank face,
the smile is not an honest one
the one that shone in all its grace
look again, it's a hidden pun
your misery is what it's laughing at
your tears seem to fuel the joy
what's that life's got against you
it's yours after all, why seek and destroy

the brat smiles on

just as you’re getting to terms
an obstacle course waits around the turn
the veins are tight and the heart firm,
but to no avail as your wingless dreams burn
you look up to an empty sky
the prayers try to flee but give up to gravity
thoughts and desires might fly sky high
but where’ll they go with this inner enmity

the bitch smiles on

Then you befriend the last resort
Love by the name and looks your best mate
But the fickle women of fate kill and retort
The heaven’s raging you for breeding hate
The quagmire seems to drag you deeper down
The fool in you wonders what you’ve done
All those smiles have turned to one painful frown
And you wonder whether you’re the only one

the life smiles on